Vaurio - Huuto yöstä LP
Licensed from Propaganda Records.
300 x black vinyl
200 x transparent grey
gatefold cover
Propaganda Shop @ Discogs
Available at Discogs
Vaurio are one of the unsung classics of the Finnish hardcore punk scene of the early 80s. Musically a cross between the more melodic punk leanings of LAMA and -82 hardcore, Vaurio's sole album from 1984 was recorded to the semi-legendary Propaganda Records label and as planned eventually it was released as "A Shout From The Night", licensed by the furious German label Rock-O-Rama. The Svart reissue is an attempt to reconstruct what a Finnish release might have looked like, which is why the translated album title is swapped for the original Finnish one. (But the both covers are really located as backcover... like the final original issue and bandphotos included even.) With artwork expanded to gatefold, the album comes with more photos and lengthy liner notes in a separate booklet.
Catalog number:
A1. Sodanjulistus
A2. Harhaa
A3. Irti kahleista
A4. Viimeinen ilta
A5. Kunnian kentät
A6. Petos
A7. Huuto yöstä
B1. Vapaa vankila
B2. Tangoa kahdelle
B3. Aistin vihan ja pelon
B4. Viikonloppuanarkisti
B5. Harmaa maanantai
B6. Vapaus
B7. Musta unelma
-oma varasto myyty loppuun- E-mail:
Mail address: Propaganda Records SALMITIE 18 FI-14700 HAUHO FINLAND
Tel: +358 50 5222635
Licensed from Propaganda Records.
300 x black vinyl
200 x transparent grey
gatefold cover
Propaganda Shop @ Discogs
Available at Discogs

Vaurio are one of the unsung classics of the Finnish hardcore punk scene of the early 80s. Musically a cross between the more melodic punk leanings of LAMA and -82 hardcore, Vaurio's sole album from 1984 was recorded to the semi-legendary Propaganda Records label and as planned eventually it was released as "A Shout From The Night", licensed by the furious German label Rock-O-Rama. The Svart reissue is an attempt to reconstruct what a Finnish release might have looked like, which is why the translated album title is swapped for the original Finnish one. (But the both covers are really located as backcover... like the final original issue and bandphotos included even.) With artwork expanded to gatefold, the album comes with more photos and lengthy liner notes in a separate booklet.
Catalog number:
A1. Sodanjulistus
A2. Harhaa
A3. Irti kahleista
A4. Viimeinen ilta
A5. Kunnian kentät
A6. Petos
A7. Huuto yöstä
B1. Vapaa vankila
B2. Tangoa kahdelle
B3. Aistin vihan ja pelon
B4. Viikonloppuanarkisti
B5. Harmaa maanantai
B6. Vapaus
B7. Musta unelma
-oma varasto myyty loppuun- E-mail:
Mail address: Propaganda Records SALMITIE 18 FI-14700 HAUHO FINLAND
Tel: +358 50 5222635